JEMS Architects, founded in 1988, has been a leading Polish architectural studio for years, combining tradition with modernity. The JEMS team is guided by a deep understanding of the cultural, historical and spatial context, which is the foundation of their approach to design.
Each project is the result of open discussion, exploration and exchange of ideas, which creates spaces that harmoniously fit into the surroundings and respond to the real needs of users.
JEMS has many significant projects under its belt, including the award-winning International Congress Centre in Katowice, which perfectly fits into the demanding context of the legendary Spodek Arena, and modern urban spaces such as Hala Koszyki in Warsaw . The projects of JEMS architects are distinguished by rational, timeless forms that function well in the long term, avoiding unnecessary extravagance. Nowy Wełnowiec is not the first joint project of JEMS Architects and Capital Park Group. Cooperation between the companies has previously resulted in the investment of Royal Wilanów in Warsaw, where JEMS Architects demonstrated an exceptional ability to integrate modern solutions with the urban fabric.
A space full of perspectives
We wanted to give Katowice a previously inaccessible part of the city in a completely new, modern version. That is why our goal was to create the most attractive space for living.
New Cities must be dense and intense, but they must also be planned in such a way that, despite their intense structure, they constitute an interesting, varied and diverse place where people want to spend time and feel comfortable.

Nature comes between houses
From the first sketches on paper, the heart of the project was a central, green park in the shape of a star, dividing the remaining area into four main quarters. Their layout is an attempt to return to the structure of traditional cities, built ``in the past``, i.e. clusters of common, social space, surrounded by buildings.
The park is a ``green`` sign of change. The arms of the star that shapes it are a common zone connecting the individual parts of Nowy Wełnowiec into one planned whole, they designate basic view openings and give a sense of clear orientation in the development. They also create an accepted principle that what is between the buildings - public space - is as important as the internal courtyards of the individual quarters of the development and private space for living, work and rest.
In addition to the park area, the layout also creates a system of public squares, concentrating the life and community of each of the blocks. The entire area is accessible in the form of a 20-30 minute walk. Greenery is omnipresent here, depending on the seasons, it is supposed to show different versions and moods.
We also wanted our concept to “spill over” and connect the investment with the neighboring existing development. Nowy Wełnowiec cannot be a lonely island, but it can and should also change the areas around it and, with its openness, invite the residents of historical Wełnowiec to live and develop together. Therefore, the Central Park, new squares and streets constituting a new quality of public space will be open to everyone.
Underground car traffic
Car traffic in Nowy Wełnowiec will be moved underground, where a system of streets and garages will be created on the floors we plan. Thanks to this, a safe, friendly, publicly accessible space and streets with a number of larger and smaller squares filled with greenery will be created between the buildings.
Our idea was for the streets to be given back to people, to become part and extension of the park, and for the greenery to penetrate between the buildings and build the mood of subsequent urban interiors. As a result, a Garden City is to be created, a space that connects and invites to be together.

The pro-social system of Nowy Wełnowiec
The layout of Nowy Wełnowiec was designed so that life would revolve around the buildings, not just in them. The most important thing here is the richness of functions and attractive public space – the buildings are only a backdrop for the development of the community. The quarters remain open, without fences and unnecessary enclosures, which allows for the free flow of life and activity at various levels. Their slightly diversified structure allows for the creation of closed viewing axes, squares and various meeting places.
The starting point of the investment is the area that will become the multifunctional heart of the estate. It will give rhythm to the life of the entire development, becoming a characteristic place on the map of Katowice, where you will be able to spend time and take advantage of the diverse offer of this space.